About This Project

Home to the Haida since time immemorial, Haida Gwaii is a remote archipelago off the northwest coast of British Columbia; an island community that has come to be an unparalleled setting for students to learn first-hand about the complex social, cultural, political, ecological and economic issues facing communities locally and around the globe.

The Haida Gwaii Institute has created a blend of educational programs that bring students to experience the uniqueness of the Haida Gwaii culture; seeing the forests, lands and waters of Haida Gwaii as vibrant natural classrooms for students to engage with.

The Haida Gwaii Institute offers several Haida Gwaii Semesters in the areas of natural resource science, natural resource management, reconciliation studies and the new marine conservation program commencing in January 2020. Students have the opportunity to explore the natural environments, meet with local experts and knowledge-holders and immerse themselves within the local Haida Gwaii community.

The additional cost for students over and above a regular term at UBC is approximately $6,000 for the full semesters (14-weeks) and approximately $3,000 to $4,000 for the summer sessions (4-8 weeks). It is our goal to encourage more students to engage in this educational experience, regardless of their financial situation and are seeking support for student travel awards.

Your support will allow students who would not normally consider the extra burden of such an experience on top of already stretched finances to consider this opportunity, ensuring equality of learning amongst the student population.

Project Contact

Emma Tully
Faculty of Forestry, UBC
Assistant Dean, Development, Alumni and External Relations
Tel: 604-822-8716

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